Cyber Security
Cyber Security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect systems, networks, software, devices and data from cyber attacks. It aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.
How we can help you

There is a huge array of technologies in the Cyber Security marketplace. We can guide and support you through the process of identifying those that will add the maximum benefit for the best value. We can also call on a network of specialists and consultants that we've built up over the years, to provide additional knowledge and insight. Throughout this process, we will help you to devise and manage Risk Assessment formats that will assist you in identifying, assessing and mitigating risk to ensure you get the best outcomes for your investment.
A significant proportion of the benefits of good Cyber Security comes from having clearly defined and well implemented processes across all areas of the business. We can provide guidance and support in creating and delivering these processes. With all process creation, it starts with understanding how your business works and creating the simplest and most effective processes that meet the need, without impacting business efficiency and performance.
It is essential for any business that desires strong Cyber Security that policies are created, enforced and audited regularly in order to to ensure that all appropriate controls are in place. Additionally, Risk Assessments and a Risk Register that's regularly reviewed allows risks to be managed and mitigated as far as possible. Let us help you to set these up and get them working for you. We can also assist with training and educating your teams so that they understand the reasons and benefits behind these controls, getting greater engagement.
The way your networks are configured and managed has huge implications for the security of everything they carry. Especially in smaller businesses, there is commonly no specialist knowledge in-house to review and understand possible vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your network. We can carry out a review of your network configuration, infrastructure and security and advise on steps that can be taken to tighten up security, reliability and durability.
We all have software (and firmware) installed on our devices and systems, but often this isn't patched up to date, or is out of support. Frequently, default administrator usernames and passwords are left in place and often permissions are left open, allowing ordinary users to make changes that should only be made by authorised and trained administrators. We can review and assess your software to identify issues and help with their resolution. We will also help you to set up methodologies to ensure software health is maintained and risk minimised.
Any device that's connected to your network represents a significant level of risk. it is essential for good Cyber Health to ensure that all devices (Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Smart Phones, Printers, CCTV, Door Access systems etc. etc.) are configured correctly, patched promptly and protected where possible with tools such as anti-virus and disc encryption. We can guide you through assessing existing equipment to identify issues and vulnerabilities and help you to establish methodologies for maintaining good device health.
Understanding and managing your data is central to Cyber Security. The security and integrity of your data is critical not only to your business, but to your employees, your customers and your suppliers as well. Knowing where your data is, how it's stored, backed-up, protected and controlled is essential, especially if some or all of that data is in the cloud. Furthermore, the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation has dramatically increased the need for sound Data Protection policies and processes in every business, with significant penalties for those that are found to be negligent in the protection of data in their care