
To support and advise British businesses, charities and other organisations, especially smaller businesses with no in-house expertise, to attain a level of Cyber Health and Awareness that will give them an affordable level of protection while mitigating as much risk as possible.
By working with all areas of the organisation and explaining and informing, we aim to take everyone on the journey to better Cyber Health and Systems and make you and your teams champions of good Cyber Security

Wheatfield Fox Consulting is here to advise and support you with the knowledge and experience of over 20 years of building, developing and maintaining robust, secure and resilient infrastructure, cost effective Cyber Security tools, and processes and policies to protect your data and that of your Employees,
Customers and Suppliers.
We also provide awareness sessions and training from introductory level upwards in order to support understanding and awareness of Cyber risks, both for businesses and the people within them. It is believed that around 95% of breaches are caused by human error.
Implementing Business Systems is expensive in both terms of cost and resource and can be disruptive, but if it's not done in the right way, the system will never achieve its full capability. We can help in the planning and structuring of these major projects.
Although we seek to work with businesses of all sizes and sectors, we are particularly keen to engage with SME's (Small and Medium Enterprises) who are less likely to have the knowledge and skills in-house to attain good Cyber health.
By providing an affordable and flexible service, we can assist businesses in achieving the easy steps and quick wins that will elevate their business's Cyber health to a level that mitigates risk without excessive cost.
We also offer specialist knowledge and experience from many years working within the UK Defence sector and areas of Critical National Infrastructure such as Energy and Aviation. We can also call on an extensive network of experts and consultants to provide additional advice and support where it's needed.
The majority of hackers are looking for easy victims, so by covering off the basics, you can significantly reduce the chances of a hacker compromising your business. It is also beneficial to work towards an accreditation, such as Cyber Essentials, follow the National Cyber Security Centre's "10 steps to Cyber Security" and use free tools such as "Exercise-in-a-Box", that demonstrate that you take Cyber Security seriously and have taken steps to secure your business.