* Gap Analysis - we assess your current Cyber exposure and identify the steps to make you safer
* Cyber Risk Assessments - we guide you through steps to mitigate your risks and those of your supply chain
* Technologies - we help you to identify the technologies that give the best outcomes for your outlay
* Controls - we can help you to create policies that will reduce your exposure at minimal cost
* Processes - we guide you through creating the processes that deliver good controls
* Education - we provide awareness and training sessions to make your teams Cyber Security evangelists
* Business Systems - Success is all in the planning, we use our knowledge and experience to help you
And a whole lot more.....contact us to find out how we can help your business here
What we offer
We are here to advise and support you with the knowledge and experience of over 20 years of building, developing and maintaining robust, secure and resilient infrastructure, cost effective Cyber Security tools, and processes and policies to protect your data and that of your Employees,
Customers and Suppliers.
We also provide awareness sessions and training from introductory level upwards in order to support understanding and awareness of Cyber risks, both for businesses and the people within them. It is believed that around 95% of breaches are caused by human error.
Implementing Business Systems is expensive in both terms of cost and resource and can be disruptive, but if it's not done in the right way, the system will never achieve its full capability. We can help in the planning and structuring of these major projects.
Good Cyber Health is easier to achieve than most realise. Cyber attackers typically look for an easy target, so you don't have to be the best, just don't be the worst. We can guide you through the simple steps you can take to give your business and people better than average resistance to an attacker.
Because most breaches happen through human error, giving everyone, from board level down, a good awareness of Cyber threats and good practices can change your biggest weakness to your greatest strength. When everyone understands the risks and the likely attack vectors, everyone in your business is a Cyber champion!
When it comes to new Business Systems, it's all in the planning. Although it requires significant financial and resource costs, the payback, if you get it right, is massive. Productivity, customer satisfaction, profitability, resource utilisation and many more aspects of your business will improve when a system is well implemented. Take advantage of our knowledge and experience to get it right, and reap the benefits.